Remote Learning
At Mellor we provide remote education for all children should they be unable to enter the school premises;
- On occasions when the headteacher and governors decide that it is not possible for the school to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government.
- On occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school but are able to continue learning, for example pupils with an infectious illness.
As far as possible, you should aim to treat each day at home as a normal school day for your child. We understand that each family's circumstances are different and the responsibility to provide educational support at home can be difficult for families. It is however, important that children remain engaged in education, even when they are not able to enter the school site. We will do everything we can to support you with remote learning and if you have any difficulties please look at our help guides within this section of our school website or contact our school office.
As our remote learning is set on Db Primary, please do contact our school office if your child does not have access to a digital device and we will do all we can to aid the loan of a laptop. Where digital devices are made available on a loan basis it is expected that parents/carers will sign and abide by the terms in the school's digital device loan agreement, a copy of which can be found in the appendix of our Remote Learning Policy.
Daily Tasks
- Support your child to log on to Db Primary each morning.
- Support them to complete the daily register before 12pm by answering the questions.
- Remind your child to watch the daily check-in.
- Use the timetable for your child, given on their Db Primary page, to set a schedule for their day. Help them to take breaks and move on from one task to another.
- Support your child to complete their tasks for the day.
- Ensure your child submits their work by the given deadlines. Support them (if necessary) to submit the work by attaching it to an email.
- Remind them to seek help if they need it via the forum, blog or email tools, and alert their teacher if they are not able to complete the work.
Top Tips to Support Your Child
Stay Organised!
Try to follow a regular routine in line with the normal school day so your child knows what to expect. Ensure they have a good start to the day by getting dressed so your child is ready for the day. Try to ensure your child takes regular breaks for snacks, meals, and time away from the screen to help their concentration.
Support your child in finding an appropriate place to work, where they can learn easily.
Stay Active!
Remind your children to use the Mellor sports page to access daily boosts and other ideas for physical activity to get their bodies moving in their breaks and to support their physical and mental well-being.
Stay Safe!
Stay aware of what your child is accessing on-line and help them to keep them safe.
Stay Sociable!
Organise with other parents to arrange video calls with your child's friends so they can stay connected during social hours.
We understand this is difficult and we are here to help!
Remote Learning School Offer
Tier A - The school is closed for one or two days
The school is closed for one or two days
- Email sent to parents signposting children to core learning page.
- Content is relevant to the curriculum focus for that year group.
- Content will be delivered through a combination of commercial and school created resources.
Tier B - The school is closed for more than two days
- Lessons are relevant to the curriculum focus for that year group.
- Lesson content will be delivered through a combination of commercial and school created resources.
- The work set should follow the usual timetable for the class had they been in school, wherever possible, (up to 3 hours a day for EYFS, 3 hours a day for KS1 and 4 hours a day for KS2).
- Provide pupils with a welcome message/video and daily register function which will allow them to register their attendance
- Provide resources and activities to support pupil wellbeing whilst working from home e.g. wellbeing blogs/check ins
- Db Primary will be used to share work for all year groups.
- Provide daily contact (via Db Primary/phone call) with pupils as and when needed between the hours of 9am and 3pm (except where teachers are undertaking PPA each week)
- Individual submissions of work to be made via Microsoft 365 or Db primary email
- If there is concern around the level of engagement of a pupil/s, parents should be contacted via phone to access whether school intervention can assist engagement.
- Focus individual feedback on where there are clear misconceptions that need to be addressed by Db primary email
- One piece of work to be provided with individual feedback a week
- One live lesson to be delivered per day at an allocated time.
- Provide end of the week feedback for the class/year group.
- Provide pupils will opportunities to access live phase assemblies
- Teachers to set clear deadlines and expectations for work to be completed
Tier C - An individual child or small number of individuals who are unable to physically attend school but are able to continue learning e.g. infectious illness
This will be a reduced offer due to the fact that the teacher will need to fulfil their full-time duties providing within class teaching. Individual feedback will be provided but will be proportionate to the time teachers have during the week for normal marking/feedback
- Lessons are relevant to the curriculum focus for that year group.
- Lesson content will be delivered through a combination of commercial and school created resources.
- The work set should follow the usual timetable for the class had they been in school, wherever possible, (up to 3 hours a day for EYFS, 3 hours a day for KS1 and 4 hours a day for KS2).
- Individual submissions of work to be made via Microsoft 365 or Db primary email
- Teachers to reply to work submitted online prioritising areas of misconception and providing individual feedback
- Provide pupils with periodical well-being check ins as and when necessary (dependent on length of absence)
- Teachers to set clear deadlines and expectations for work to be completed
If there is a concern around the level of engagement of a pupil/s parents should be contacted via phone to access whether school intervention can assist engagement.